2020. 3. 1. 11:35ㆍ카테고리 없음
1 ionic - version 2 cordova - versionI get 2.0.0 for Ionic and 6.5.0 for Cordova.You have to install Android platform and iOS platform on your machine (we hope you have a Mac OS to be able to install both). This because you have to publish your application in store, you need the binary for each platform.apk for Android.ipa for iOS.For Android, you can follow this. If you already have Java JDK installed you have to install (you will be familiar with it if you are already using IntelliJ Idea) which is coming with:.
SDK Manager - will let you install the Android SDK (at a given level). ADV Manager - will let you configure the Android emulators. Android Device Monitor- will let you see your devices logsFor iOS, you can follow this.
You have to install the XCode first which is coming with the SDK, iOs and iPad emulators and all you need to deploy your app in production.For Windows 10 follow this. You have to install at least Visual Studio Community Edition 2015/2017 which is free. You will get the Windows phone SDK, the emulator and all you need to deploy your application in production.You can use a virtualization solution (VirtualBox for example) if you are on Mac or Linux for running the Windows OS - you can get. If you want a Linux box you have. Generate client appNow you are prepared to start your first application using Ionic 2 and its.
We will generate a sidemenu starter application - we will have a side menu. There are two other alternatives blank and tabs. We will locate our client in app-web module near our static HTML client we made. 1 Creating Ionic app in folder / MVPS / mvp - application / app - web / ionic - client based on sidem 2 enu project 3 Downloading: https: //github.com/driftyco/ionic2-app-base/archive/master.zip 4 100% 0.0 s 5 Downloading: https: //github.com/driftyco/ionic2-starter-sidemenu/archive/master.zip 6 100% 0.0 s 7 Installing npm packages. 8 9 Adding initial native plugins 10 100% 0.0 s 11 12 Adding in iOS application by default 13 14 Saving your Ionic app state of platforms and plugins 15 Saved platform 16 Saved plugins 17 Saved package. Json 18 19 ♬ ♫ ♬ ♫ Your Ionic app is ready to go!
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♬ ♫ ♬ ♫ 20.Now build it and run it. 1 ionic - client 2 ├── config. Xml 3 ├── hooks 4 │ └── README. Md 5 ├── ionic.
Json 6 ├── nodemodules 7 │ ├── @angular 8 │ ├── @ionic 9 │ ├── @types 10 ├── package. Json 11 ├── platforms 12 │ ├── ios 13 │ └── platforms. Json 14 ├── plugins 15 │ ├── cordova - plugin - console 16 │ ├── cordova - plugin - device 17 │ ├── cordova - plugin - splashscreen 18 │ ├── cordova - plugin - statusbar 19 │ ├── cordova - plugin - whitelist 20 │ ├── fetch. Json 21 │ ├── ionic - plugin - keyboard 22 │ └── ios. Json 23 ├── resources 24 │ ├── android 25 │ ├── icon. Png 26 │ ├── ios 27 │ └── splash. Png 28 ├── src 29 │ ├── app 30 │ ├── assets 31 │ ├── declarations.
Ts 32 │ ├── index. Html 33 │ ├── manifest. Json 34 │ ├── pages 35 │ ├── service - worker. Js 36 │ └── theme 37 ├── tsconfig. Json 38 ├── tslint. Json 39 └── www 40 ├── assets 41 ├── build 42 ├── index.
Html 43 ├── manifest. Json 44 └── service - worker. JsThis is a classical Ionic 2 application folders structure.
We describe here the main folders and files:. config.xml - is the main configuration file for an Ionic application; you describe your app metadata, required device access rights, preferences and used Cordova plugins. /plugins - is the place where all Cordova plugins are located. /www - here are the application place after build. /src - is where the Angular 2 application is locatedAngular 2We will investigate the generated Ionic application from the Angular 2 point of view.
And we will make some changes - we will prepare the app for our needs. A significant change from previews version of Angular is the use of TypeScript in replacement for JavaScript - you can see the.ts extensions for script files. There are other changes from an Ionic 1, but the main concepts are the same - a is available.Let see the structure of the app. 1 ├── app 2 │ ├── app. Ts 3 │ ├── app. Html 4 │ ├── app.
Ts 5 │ ├── app. Scss 6 │ └── main. Ts 7 ├── assets 8 │ └── icon 9 │ └── favicon. Ico 10 ├── declarations. Ts 11 ├── index. Html 12 ├── manifest. Json 13 ├── pages 14 │ ├── page1 15 │ │ ├── page1.
Html 16 │ │ ├── page1. Scss 17 │ │ └── page1. Ts 18 │ └── page2 19 │ ├── page2.
Html 20 │ ├── page2. Scss 21 │ └── page2. Ts 22 ├── service - worker.
Js 23 └── theme 24 └── variables. ScssWe see that we have 2 pages. For each page, we have an entry in the pages folder. Let’s create other pages using.First, let’s create a new index page. 1 ionic run androidThe jobs page on our device: List of jobs on Android device Cordovais a part of Ionic Framework and is a JavaScript framework that can be used to make a native call from a browser to the native platform, independent of its type: Android, iOs or Windows Phone.
It is exposing a unified API that can be used on all three platforms (or other supported platforms). First, it was named and it was acquired by Adobe, and became Apache project under the name Apache Cordova. Here is about the distinctions between the two.First of all, the main configurations for the mobile application are in config.xml file.
Lets change the name of the application and other metadata. 1 2 5 ItJobsBoard 6 It jobs board application 7 It Jobs Board Team 9 10. 11 We will discuss two aspects of Cordova: plugins and platforms.Cordova, it is a plugin-able system, and there is available on the market (mostly free). You can see the list of plugins already installed on your application. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Each time you want a plugin you have to declare it here in config.xml.Cordova let you install platforms - various operating systems where you can publish your application. The ios platform was added the first time I generated the application.
We can add Android in this way. 1 ionic - list Ionic Nativeis a collection of the best free Cordova plugins already integrated into Ionic 2 - you still have to declare and install the plugin, but you have the API exposed in Angular 2 style. The Ionic Native script is already installed in any new generated Ionic 2 application.
It is a replacement for from Ionic 1. 1 Rest APIIn this subchapter, we will improve our REST API. We will first try to clarify what is a RET API; we will document our API using Swagger, we will add token based security for our REST API From verbs to nounsThe way the applications can communicate in a distributed way is an old subject.
First was the idea of - remote calls between programs running on different machines which are exposing procedures/methods using binary data for messages transportation.was such an initiative for communicating between different languages. It was an initiative for communicating between JVMs running on different physical machines.The next evolution step were Web Services using HTTP protocol for communication and XML or JSON (text and not binary data) for messages. Was a first success in the Web Services market was but is still have to be used - is based on XML messages and still has a procedural style of exposing an API. That’s way other types of Web Services emerged like REST.principles were enunciated first time by in his 2000 Ph.D. DissertationREST is built around HTTP standard:. you expose resources to the world (nouns). we don’t have other methods to operate on the resources than the HTTP commands (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, ) (verbs).
the HTTP error codes are used for errors (2XX, 3XX, 4XX, ). you have a unique intelligible URI to operate with a resource. texts are used for messages (JSON is preferred when we can process it from JavaScript on client side) Swagger specificationOne of the interesting parts of SOAP is the specification. WSDL specification is a contract describing the exposed API that can be used in many ways. Can be used to generate the client or the server.
It can also be itself generated by the server side. It is the central point of a SOAP API.In the case of REST there were some tries to define such an interface (WADL, RAML) but finally, we have a winner on the market. It is that is a try to standardize a well-known schema model globally from. Will let you define your API in JSON or YAML.
Swagger let you not just to specify your API but also to use this specification for documenting your API - you can easily generate a documentation of your API for your users, and they can test it in real-time.Let’s document our REST API. There are some Grails 2 plugins for generating the Swager spec via annotations and show the spec in Swagger-UI, but none of them is working in Grails 3. Has an update for Grails 3 but is not working - the project is no longer maintained.The solution, in this case, is to use the tools that Swagger site is offering. They are offering an online for editing our Swagger specs in JSON or YMAL. We have the chance to generate clients or servers in a multitude of programming languages from Swagger specifications using. We also have an option to store a Swagger specification online and to view it on Swagger-UI on.
We created a hosted Swagger specification for the version 1.0.0 of our project. 1 swagger: ' 2.0 ' 2 info: 3 description: It Jobs Board Europe API 4 version: '1.0.0' 5 title: itjobsboard. Eu exposed API 6 contact: 7 email: admin @itjobsboard.eu 8 license: 9 name: Apache 2.0 10 url: http: //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html 11 12 tags: 13 - name: admins 14 description: Secured Admin - only calls 15 - name: customers 16 description: Operations available to regular developers 17 schemes: 18 - https 19 paths: 20 / jobs: 21 get: 22 tags: 23 - customers 24 summary: list jobs 25 operationId: list 26 description: 27 List all available jobs in the system.
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1 Configuring Spring Security Core. Finished configuring Spring Security Core 3 4 5 Configuring Spring Security REST 2.0.0. Finished configuring Spring Security RESTNow we have to configure the security filters for the newly added plugin.
We have to add the stateless filters for our API path /api/. (we keep state-full filters for this path /.). Also because we will have.permitAll access to some of our API resources we will enable enableAnonymousAccess = true for our version 1.0 of our API and set stateless filters to it. 1 cd / MVPS / mvp - application / app - web / ionic - client 2 npm install angular2 - jwtWe have to change our index page page and added two forms, one for login and another for signup, each submitting the user credentials to the server (ngSubmit)=”login(loginCreds.value)” and (ngSubmit)=”signup(signupCreds.value)”. We show a div containing this two forms in case the user is not authenticated!auth.authenticated and a div containing welcome info and a logout button in case of authenticated user auth.authenticated. 1 #!/ bin / bash 2 3 echo '#################################' 4 projectpath =/ MVPS / mvp - application / app - web / ionic - client 5 androidsdkpath =/ Library / Android / sdk / build - tools / 22.0.1 6 androidadbpath =/ Library / Android / sdk / platform - tools 7 appname = ItJobsBoard.
Apk 8 9 echo '#################################' 10 echo $projectpath 11 echo '#################################' 12 echo $androidsdkpath 13 14 cd $projectpath 15 cordova build - release android 16 cd $projectpath 17 18 # apk 19 cp $projectpath / platforms / android / build / outputs / apk / android - release - unsigned. 20 jarsigner - verbose - sigalg SHA1withRSA - digestalg SHA1 - keystore jobsboard. Keystore and 21 roid - release - unsigned. Apk jobsboard - storepass Password123! 22 echo $androidsdkpath / zipalign 23 $androidsdkpath / zipalign - vf 4 android - release - unsigned. Apk android - $appname 24 25 $androidadbpath / adb - d install - r $projectpath / android - $appnameAs you can see the apk is encrypted. You have to create a keystore using this command ( keytool is in bin folder of your JDK installation).
1 / MVPS / mvp - application / app - web / ionic - client / platforms / ios / ItJobsBoard. XcodeprojYou can first test the application by running the application in the XCode provided emulator using Product/Run.For publishing, you need to have an. Then you have to go to your Apple developer account in the area named. There you have to create an application id - in our case eu.itjobsboard.mobile.app associated with an application named ItJobsBoard.
Then, you have to go to your where you have to request a new application using New App using the application id created in the previews step. There you have to complete App Information and other application data before submitting it for approval.
Apple AppStoreAlso, you have to upload the binary file, and this can be done in two ways. The first option is to use Product/Archive option from XCode. Second is using a distinct application named Application Loader. Windows App StoreThe store for Windows applications is and is not so rich in applications like the previous stores. You have to pay in this store. The advantage of this store is that it is a unified store for all Windows 10 applications and you can publish your application to all Windows 10 devices.For building your application you need a Windows 10 machine with Visual Studio 2015 or 2017 installed (you can get one for free usage for 1 month or you can buy one forever ). Then you have to get the project from GitHub on your Windows 10 machine (lets say you are doing this in a C:MVPS folder).
1 cd C: MVPS mvp - application app - web ionic - client 2 ionic platform add windows 3 ionic build windowsNow you can open in Visual Studio the Windows 10 project located in C:MVPSmvp-applicationapp-webionic-clientplatformswindows and you can start publishing it to the Windows Store. You can create the deployment artifacts in Project/Store/Create App Packages and there you can choose to link to an existing application definition from your or to create a new one. The package will be signed automatically and you have to upload it manually into the store using Project/Store/Upload App Packages.You don’t have support in Ionic 2 for generating icons and splash screen resources like in iOs and Android using ionic resources command but you can generate all the icons and splash screens using Properties/Visual Assets option from Visual Studio. Also Windows 10 resources can be generated using. Windows Store To do listThere are a set of things we didn’t manage to implement in the sample application. We will try to implement these features in the near future, but can be a good exercise for the reader to implement them:. Implement refresh token using angular2-jwt following this.
![Grails Grails](https://i.stack.imgur.com/QG707.png)
Implement users signup on client and server side. Implement a scenario where the customer can save jobs posts after login and the saves are kept on the server side after user logoff.